Coding Chickens & Trauma-Mitigation
Dear Everyone: I had a lengthy, commiserating missive composed for today. I wrote extensively about the impact of chronic toxic stress,...
The Infrequent Blog: Candid, thought-provoking, & occasionally funny.
Coding Chickens & Trauma-Mitigation
The Light Comes...
A reminder, and an opportunity
Ducks, Memes, and Hope In Broken Things™
Protect Your Bandwidth
Farm Lessons: Coding Chickens & Micro-Mitigation Moments
The Answer is Us
Wild Places Make You Earn It...
We're All Cracked...
Into the Wilderness I go...
Wanted: Adultier Adults
Dad's Village
ReEntry is #NotABear
Expanding Metaphors...(in the month of Re)
The Month of "Re"
Make Space for Joy
SAGing Into What's Next...
"Who Do I Want To Be?"
The Legacy Stops Here