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The Infrequent Blog: Candid, thought-provoking, & occasionally funny.
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Kemia Sarraf
2 min read
A reminder, and an opportunity
Dear Everyone: This edition of Cereal With Hand-Poured Milk (HPM) will be short and pointed. And although there exists the temptation to...

Kemia Sarraf
3 min read
Grandad's Wisdom, Extra Sleep, And A Little Chocolate On The Side...
Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our...

Kemia Sarraf
3 min read
Wild Places Make You Earn It...
Dear Everyone: We Repeat What We Don’t Repair. The number of times I’ve recited this fundamental truth can’t be quantified. It’s a...

Kemia Sarraf
2 min read
Into the Wilderness I go...
Dear Everyone: This week’s edition of Cereal with Hand Poured Milk comes to you from deep in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. ...

Kemia Sarraf
3 min read
ReImagine Tomorrow - Dreamers of the Day
Dear Everyone: This week’s edition of Cereal with Hand Poured Milk is penned by my dear friend and colleague, Antoinette Ayers....

Kemia Sarraf
3 min read
ReLearning in a New Era
As our “post-COVID” (but not really—COVID is still here) world opens up, we also are noticing that uncertainty has grown dramatically....

Kemia Sarraf
3 min read
Dear Everyone: I had a lengthy missive written and ready for this week’s edition of Cereal with Hand-Poured Milk when a dear friend and...

Kemia Sarraf
3 min read
ReEntry is #NotABear
Dear Everyone: This week’s edition of Cereal with Hand Poured Milk comes to you from the desk of Kelly Hurst. Kelly is a Lodestar JEDI...

Kemia Sarraf
3 min read
Make Space for Joy
Dear Everyone: This week’s edition of Cereal With Hand Poured Milk finds us on the cusp of summer. COVID cases are steadily declining,...

Kemia Sarraf
3 min read
Not Everything is a Face-Eating Bear
Dear Everyone: The most frequent lament I hear these days is, “I’ve never been this stuck. I’ve never been this tired. I’ve never been...

Kemia Sarraf
3 min read
Entirety of Almost Everything
Dear Everyone: Never tie your growth to things you cannot control. This strikes me as incredibly sound advice if we are willing to...

Kemia Sarraf
3 min read
Small, Attainable Goals
Dear Everyone: As we enter True Spring and the hope, planning, and aspiration that accompanies these longer, warmer days, let us pay...

Kemia Sarraf
2 min read
Beware The "Cheerleaders"
Dear Everyone: In this week’s edition of Cereal With Hand Poured Milk (aka “figure out what you can half-ass without harm”) we’re going...

Kemia Sarraf
1 min read
Cereal with Hand Poured Milk (the beginning)
Dear Everyone: Cereal with Hand-Poured Milk is a meandering little blog I wrote a few months back. It touches on Tridemic Trauma, the...
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