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The Light Comes...

Updated: Jan 17, 2023

Dear Everyone:

I know it's been a minute, and I know what y'all were thinking:

Now why don't she write?

(don't know the reference? You're probably not old enough to read this blog...) The simple answer is the server locked me out and I spent a month proving I'm me. Turns out it isn't nearly as straightforward as one might think. For a solid 30 days I locked horns with automation whilst attempting to provide sufficient proof of life. That I'm back is a testament only to my tenacious VA and my intransigence about learning a new system... Techdrama aside, I'm delighted to be here in time for some final, 2021 thinky-thoughts, musings, and reminders that sometimes we gotta let things go, help your husband Code A Chicken, and enjoy a simple dinner of Cereal with Hand-Poured Milk.


I try to build deliberate slowness into the month of December, a counterbalance to the frenetic marketing and race to DO ALL THE THINGS! Some years I'm more successful than others. Regardless, I've come to appreciate that shorter days are the Universe's invitation to go slow, rest, and trust that the light will return. Meanwhile, I promise I'm responding as quickly as I can to your email queries about our 2022 Trauma-Mitigation Master Class offerings. The short answers are:

  1. Yes, Lodestar's 2022 ICF accredited Trauma-Mitigation Master Class for coaches are open for registration.

  2. Yes, there are still a few spaces available - they are limited (max 12) and filling!

  3. Yes, CME and ICF credits are both available: 17 category 1 CME; 13 ICF Core Competency and ICF Resource Development hours

  4. Yes, all classes are live, experiential, interactive, and deep. They're also fun (despite the subject matter) and our learners gain both new skills and wonderful professional connections and friendships.

  5. YES! It is worth your time. We know time is amongst your most valuable resources, and we treat it as such.

  6. Yes, you may email/text/call/skywrite us with your additional questions... 😉


As Winter Solstice and the longest night approaches, here is a bit hopeful prose to serve as reminder that the light does come:

I don’t know how the light comes,

but that it does. That it will.

That it works its way

into the deepest dark

that enfolds you,

though it may seem

long ages in coming

or arrive in a shape you did not foresee.

And so

may we this day

turn ourselves toward it.

May we lift our faces

to let it find us.

May we bend our bodies

to follow the arc it makes.

May we open

and open more

and open still

to the blessed light

that comes.

Jan Richardson

Tend your bandwidth, friends. Connect and play with those you love. Chocolating almost always helps.

Laughter does, too. Don't forget to hydrate. More soon, Dr. K #Lodestar #ConnectionMitigatesTrauma #TraumaInformedCoaching #Tridemic #AnythingButDead #DrBossyDuck


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